About Rhonda

Welcome to Even Being!

As an extensively trained Breath & Yoga Therapist, spiritual companion and with 30 years of experience in corporate America, I offer a uniquely broad and highly customized approach to supporting clients in their quest to reestablish balance in their life, approach life harmoniously and compassionately, and to reconnect with Source.

My approach is based on having witnessed and personally experienced the profound, innate intelligence within to guide; to trust we already have the answers within.

The prescribed path for me seemed not be a fit. Born and raised on a farm in southwest Minnesota near a very small town. At age five, I told my mom I would never marry a farmer, did not want to have anything to do with playing with dolls and would leave the farm as soon as I could. Check those boxes as accurate.

Rebelling against norms and expectations came easy, a bit too easy. And so did the consequences that come with unsafe choices. It wasn’t until I arrived in my early 30’s, a newly single mom of a 1- and 7-year-old, with an unwavering eye on climbing the corporate ladder of success that the idea of exploring the question ‘what am I rebelling against?’ burst forth. It was a time of darkness, exploration and uncertainty. I sought guidance from a counselor; after a few sessions it became crystal clear that this was a spiritual crisis.  Included in rebellion was a rejection of the religion of origin without recognizing the deconstruction necessary to build up.  Thus began an ongoing merging of spiritual curiosity, somatic sensations, and breath exploration that continues to this day.

My spiritual directors offered a safe, nonjudgmental space to question and receive support as did my yoga teachers. The breath and movement of yoga began to thaw the non-feeling aspects of my being. It continues and helps me live with more ease, rebellious habitual patterns replaced with inquiry, reactions as my teachers, as is trust in wise beings, scriptural guidance all girded in the certainty that these practices lead to rediscovery of Self.

Having recognized the inseparability of mind/body/spirit and receiving ongoing guidance increasingly from the wisdom within, it is now my path to offer a blending of these modalities to those on their self-discovery journey, to support the rediscovery, reconnecting to the Source within.


  • After just one session, I already can see concepts that will be helpful for me. Ie: resist becoming agitated (even in my mind) with different viewpoints….etc.

    Kari E.

  • I read your blog musings and am touched by your authentic words and struggle. We can all relate. Just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading them and they touch something inside of me.

    Patty W.

  • Thinking of you reminds me to “be the light”. Thank you for being light for so many. You are so gifted and I appreciate your many gifts.

    Laura C.

In the offerings provided within Even Being, it is understood that imbalances occur when we avoid certain situations or aspects of life, as well as when we focus only on that which provides us pleasure. These imbalances can appear at various levels of our in our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. These imbalances can manifest in various ways, affecting our overall health and happiness.

When we suppress or avoid certain aspects of ourselves, we create a state of disharmony within. This disharmony can lead to a range of issues, including stress, anxiety, depression, a sense of separation, and often physical ailments. Integral breath and yoga therapy, as practiced in Even Being sessions, serve as powerful tools for restoring balance and harmony within our being.

Integral breath and yoga therapy, as practiced in Even Being sessions, serve as powerful tools for restoring balance and harmony within our being.

  • Integral Breath Therapy

    Integral breath focuses on directed and guided breath work that can safely invite altered states from which we are able to see things about us we would not otherwise see, sometimes with corrective action.

  • Yoga Therapy

    Yoga therapy, through its combination of holding poses right at the edge in a supported way, promotes physical and mental well-being, alleviating stress, improving flexibility, and enhancing self-awareness.

  • Spiritual Companioning

    The one-on-one sessions provide a personalized approach to addressing imbalances and promoting overall well-being. Each individual's needs are assessed, sessions tailored accordingly, ensuring that the practices are appropriate and effective.

While achieving an even state of being requires dedication and consistent effort, the benefits extend far beyond improved physical health and can include a sense of inner peace, resilience, and self-understanding, empowering individuals to navigate life's challenges with grace and equanimity.

In essence, Even Being offers a transformative approach to well-being, recognizing the interconnectedness of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. Through integral breath and yoga therapy, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery, restoring balance, harmony, and a deeper sense of fulfillment within themselves, all underscoring what we seek externally already resides within. Even Being sessions simply support that discovery journey.